Other supporting cast includes Babloo Prithiveeraj, Nithya Das, Priya Prince and Akshitha Bopaiah. Nandini fame Rahul Ravi was Selected to Portray the lead role of Yuva. Kadaikutty Singam serial Nimeshika was cast as Meera, making her second television series. The rest of the series shows Meera trying to win her father's heart. She hasn't obtained it from anyone.īut, one day, her father asks her to leave the house. Meera wants for the love and attention of her father. Gautam hates blames her for his wife's departure and his wealth. Reshmi Soman had acted in few malayalam cinemas and tv serials like Penmanassu, Thaali, Sapatni, Akkarapacha, Makalude Amma, Akshaypathram, Bharya, Swararagam. Reshmi Soman had divorced from her first husband AM Nazeer who is a popular Director of malayalam tv serials. Meera loses her mother at a young age, that makes her father Gautam, a widower. Reshmi Somans second husband name is Gopinath who is working abroad. Meera and her father Gautam is also her love interest Yuva.
The show is produced by AR Film World Pvt Ltd and stars Nimeshika and Rahul Ravi are the main protagonists of the series along with an ensemble supporting cast including Babloo Prithiveeraj, Nithya Das, Priya Prince and Akshitha Bopaiah. Kannana Kanne is an Tamil Language Indian romantic drama television series, which premiered on 2nd November 2020 on Sun TV at 8:30PM (Monday & Saturday). Separated by unfortunate circumstances, will Aleena reunite with her estranged mother, Neeraja, and avenge her mother's rapists Watch Amma Ariyathe - Malayalam Drama serial on Disney+ Hotstar now.